Friday 15 November 2013

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review - The negative effects of rapid diet


Also, if you are still not able to get rid of the winter stock Do not perform any drastic diet because this will harm their health.
The negative effects of rapid diet

Already has been pointed out many times, and you're also get to experience it quickly lost pounds even faster return, also known as the the effect. It is scientifically proven that the rapid weight loss when you eat very few calories, the body behaves like fasting, metabolism slows down drastically. The body senses that we are short of fuel and therefore saving up for a rainy day. Thus, at each successive installment seeks to preserve some of the energy is the most drastic diet, the body conserves more energy and weight loss brought slowdowns. Then, when the body slowly gets used to decrease calorie intake diet after a shock because it receives too much food and calories, which then stored, and we gain weight again. Introduction

In quick diets to disrupt the relationship between muscle and fat tissue, the proportion of the latter is strongly increased the proportion of muscle tissue is reduced. Seen a number of side effects on our appearance and well-being. Because we lack energy, we are tired, bad mood, depression is common, troubling us close to the wind, a strong immune system weakens and we are so much more susceptible to various infections, skin becomes pale, dark circles express, brittle nails and hair brittle and Dull. People who opt for fast diets are often also reported dizziness, sleep disturbances, digestive disorders, and problems with concentration. For this reason, they are often less effective at work or other daily activities. Since the fast diets consume far too little vitamins and minerals, this may have a fatal impact on the development of severe disease.

Healthy food
Enjoy a balanced diet, reduce meals and do not skip.
Shujšajte quickly in a healthy way

The most important thing is that you have realistic expectations and you're not obsessed with weight loss. Avoid the diet, rather eliminate from the diet foods which contain too much salt and sugar, unhealthy fats and refined carbohydrates. Meals should be balanced, smaller and spread out throughout the day. It is important to consume as much water you can also change with green tea, which naturally promotes fat burning and elimination of toxic substances from the body. Vitamin C will contribute to making your pounds dwindled quickly, so eat lots of fruit and enjoy a daily glass of lemonade without sugar. Avoid stressful situations that might be prepared to pillage the refrigerator and move it as much as possible in the fresh air. Home Workout Generator

However you need to loose weight and shape the body movement is crucial. Even if you lack the time to visit the gym, it's not an excuse to avoid it. Take advantage of every free moment to walking or running, at home while watching TV, do SIT-UPS, crunches and various outing steps. So you casually lose a few pounds, but you do not even know when. That such a way of feeding and movement becomes your way of life. So you healthy and vital throughout the year and you will not be before the summer or significant events in drastic unhealthy diets, as well as the guilt you will not have if you sinned during the holidays.

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